Greetings and welcome to this all new and improved Bedrick Studios website. My old Flash site was outdated and long overdue for an upgrade. After several false starts, I settled on Wix as the best solution, even after comparing with some of the impressive competition. The easy interface and robust design options transformed a seemingly daunting task into a pleasant project.
This site is the central hub and showcase for all my professional work in a variety of creative fields. It is where clients, collaborators, friends, students, and fans can find and share samples of my creative work, as well as communicate with me about past, present, or future projects.
It is now early July, 2018 and summer is usually a slow time of year. However, I've been having fun with some interesting new creative opportunities as well as whipping this new site into shape. Much more to come. In the meantime, take a look around. There's a lot to see. Feel free to join this blog or get in touch with any questions or comments about illustration, graphic design, animation, or video.
Cheers, - JB